Us in KC

Welcome to Sylvia's and Jerry's Web Pages

We are glad you have decided to visit our web site.  It is mostly a collection of photos of our travels and memories. Jerry built and takes care of it, just to "Keep a hand in." In the menu are links to the realtime weather station in our back yard; wikipedia pages for some of our projects, and some help for leave comments just to let us know that you visited, if there was anything you particularly enjoyed or if any tips for improving our pages

We are Sylvia and Jerry, two retired folks living in Bentonville, Arkansas. Sylvia is formerly a Brit who had a social worker career in Gloucestershire, England. Jerry had a 23-year Air Force career as a linguist followed by 20 years in the computer business. We are quite proud of our son Paul who lives and works in Cheltenham, England. We're nearly as proud of our spoiled dog, Phantom, a terrier mix. You can see what we like to do, and what we've done in the many albums and pictures here.

So today is somewhere close to early August 2023. What's new?? We've just gotten back from our annual trip to England. We spent most of our time with son, Paul. We made an new album which you can view here (England23 under England in the albums section).

And just a little earlier, in the last half of May of 2023, we visited the Northern parts of Italy. Of course we made an album of that trip. You can see it here (Italy2023 under Annual Trips in the albums section). After the trip our faithful guide, Amy, sent us a video of the group that she produced. You can see that video here.

We've also found out Phantom and Sylvia were ?featured? on a facebook clip doing their duties at the Nortwest Arkansas Regional Airport (XNA). You can see that video here.

Paul Simonet

Phantom the Dog